We are coming to the end of our wonderful series on love and relationships; I hope that some of the ideas and suggestions have been helpful. I do believe this is the most mature writing I have done on this subject and I praise God.
But before I bring this whole thing to a consummation (hopefully within marriage), we need to stress one final thing that some couples don’t seem to understand; it is crucial that they do.
Engagement is not Marriage.
It is so tempting to consider being engaged as marriage, after all you are wearing rings and you are intending to be married…so much so that you (and your families) are investing a large amount of capital in the outcome. So, with this mindset many, many couples go one step further…
If we are definitely going to get married, why not go ahead and act like we’re married.
Why not go ahead and have sex?
Let me be very clear; even though you are engaged does not absolutely mean you are going to get married. In fact, if you are believers and have sex before marriage you are more likely to break off the engagement. Then you have had sex and you are not getting married. I have seen many engagements that looked rock-solid come to an end, not even from something terrible but on their own! God is funny about leading you in a direction and then sending you somewhere else (there is also human free will that has to be considered).
A covenant protects your relationship, we already discussed this. If the proper level of commitment is not in place and you pursue certain privileges of covenant, then you will suffer greatly for your lack of wisdom and self control. Engagement is a time where you set the foundation for your life together up…and if you start with shoddy materials, how is it going to stand up to the storms that will come in this life?
I believe Jesus said something similar to conclude the Sermon on the Mount.
It is important to start acting like a married couple, because you are about to make that step of faith. However, don’t drop your guard and end making a decision or compromise that may leave you with deep regrets and an irreconcilable relationship.
That is all on love and relationships.
Tune in next time for the concluding thoughts.
Filed under: What's Love Got to Do With It?